Complete Guide to Goat Breeds

Explore our comprehensive guide to goat breeds from around the world. Whether you're interested in dairy, meat, fiber, or pet goats, discover detailed information about each breed's characteristics, care requirements, and breeding information.

Dairy Breeds



Origin: French Alps

• Size: 30-32 inches at withers

A medium to large-sized dairy breed known for their high milk production and adaptability to various climates. French Alpines are excellent milkers with good temperaments, making them popular in commercial dairies.

High milk productionAlert temperamentHardy

🥛 Milk yield: 2,000-3,000 pounds per lactation



Origin: Africa/India/Middle East

• Size: 24-28 inches at withers

Distinguished by their long, pendulous ears and Roman nose, Nubians are excellent milk producers with high butterfat content.

Rich milkFriendly personalityGood mothers

🥛 Milk yield: 1,500-2,500 pounds per lactation

Nigerian Dwarf

Nigerian Dwarf

Origin: West Africa

• Size: 12-16 inches at withers

Small-sized dairy goats that produce surprisingly high amounts of milk with high butterfat content.

Compact sizeHigh butterfat milkGentle disposition

🥛 Milk yield: 1,000-1,500 pounds per lactation



Origin: United States

• Size: 28-30 inches at withers

Known for their tiny or absent external ears and excellent dairy production. LaMancha goats are prized for their high milk production and calm temperament.

High milk productionCalm temperamentHeat tolerant

🥛 Milk yield: 1,800-2,800 pounds per lactation



Origin: Switzerland

• Size: 30-35 inches at withers

Large white dairy goats known as the "Holstein of the goat world" for their high milk production. Saanens are the largest of the dairy breeds.

Highest milk productionCalm dispositionLow-fat milk

🥛 Milk yield: 2,500-3,800 pounds per lactation



Origin: Switzerland

• Size: 28-30 inches at withers

Medium-sized dairy breed with distinctive bay red coloring and black markings. Known for their steady temperament and reliable milk production.

Good milk productionFriendly natureAthletic

🥛 Milk yield: 1,500-2,500 pounds per lactation



Origin: Switzerland

• Size: 26-28 inches at withers

One of the oldest registered dairy breeds, known for consistent milk production and distinctive coloring. These Swiss natives are medium-sized and hardy.

Steady milk productionHardyStrong feet

🥛 Milk yield: 1,800-2,300 pounds per lactation



Origin: United States/Switzerland

• Size: 30-35 inches at withers

A colored variant of the Saanen breed, these large dairy goats offer excellent milk production with slightly higher butterfat content than their white counterparts.

High milk productionColored coatStrong udders

🥛 Milk yield: 2,500-3,500 pounds per lactation

Golden Guernsey

Golden Guernsey

Origin: Guernsey, Channel Islands

• Size: 24-29 inches at withers

A rare golden-colored dairy breed known for its docile temperament and rich milk. Originally from the British Channel Island of Guernsey.

Golden coatGood milk yieldDocile nature

🥛 Milk yield: 1,500-2,000 pounds per lactation

Finnish Landrace

Finnish Landrace

Origin: Finland

• Size: 26-30 inches at withers

A hardy Scandinavian breed known for good milk production and adaptability to harsh climates.

Cold hardyGood milk yieldStrong feet

🥛 Milk yield: 1,500-2,200 pounds per lactation



Origin: United Kingdom

• Size: 30-35 inches at withers

A large dual-purpose breed known for high butterfat content in milk and good meat production.

High butterfat milkLarge sizeLong ears

🥛 Milk yield: 1,800-2,500 pounds per lactation

Meat Breeds

Fiber Breeds

Pet Breeds

Dual Purpose Breeds

Additional Resources

Breed Selection Guide

Not sure which breed is right for you? Use our comprehensive breed selection guide to find the perfect match for your needs.

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Breed Comparison Tool

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